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Contoh Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasannya

Contoh Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasannya -  Sobat SE, Kali ini admin akan sedikit berbagi mengenai contoh Contoh Soal TOEFL, Kalo kita perhatikan Banyak sekali tipe soal yang ada mengenai hal tersebut, Tapi kami akan sedikit berbagi kepada anda sekalian sebagai bahan pelajaran sekaligus mempermudah anda dalam menghadapi tes tersebut : Berikut ini adalah Contoh Tes Toefl 

Sesi 1

Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 3)
1. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building __________.

(a) sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery.
(b) sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully.
(c) sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week.
(d) sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers.

2. Because the first pair of pants did not fit properly, he asked for __________.

(a) another pants (c) the others one
(b) other pants (d) another pair.

3. The committee has met and __________.

(a) they have reached a decision.
(b) it has formulated themselves some opinions.
(c) its decision was reached at.
(d) it has reached a decision.

4. Alfred adams has not __________.

(a) lived lonelynessly in times previous.
(b) never before lived sole.
(c) ever lived alone before.
(d) before lived without the company of his friends.

5. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; __________.

(a) he should study last night.
(b) he should have studied last night.
(c) he must have studied last night.
(d) he must had to study last night.

6. Henry will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because __________.

(a) he must to teach a class. (c) of he will teach a class.
(b) he will be teaching a class. (d) he will have teaching a class.

7. Having been served lunch, __________.

(a) the problem was discussed by the members of the committee.
(b) the committee members discussed the problem.
(c) it was discussed by the committee members the problem.
(d) a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee.

8. Florida has not yet ratified the equal rights amendment, and __________.

(a) several other states hasn’t either.
(b) neither has some of the others states.
(c) some other states also have not either.
(d) neither have several other states

9. The chairman request that __________.

(a) the member studied more carefully the problem.
(b) the problem was more carefulnessly studied.
(c) with more carefulness the problem could be studied.
(d) the members study the problem more carefully.

10. California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and __________.

(a) florida also. (c) florida is as well
(b) florida too. (d) so does florida

11. The professor said that __________.

(a) the student can turn over their report on the monday.
(b) the report on monday could be received form the students by him.
(c) the students could hand in their reports on monday.
(d) the student will on monday the reports turn in.

12. This year will be difficult for this organization because __________.

(a)they have less money and volunteers than they had last year.
(b) it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year.
(c) the last year it did not have as few and little volunteers and money.
(d) there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year there were.

13. The teacher have had some problem deciding __________.

(a)when to the students they shall return the final papers.
(b) when are they going to return to the students the final papers.
(c) when they should return to the final papers to the students.
(d) the time when the final papers they should return for the students.

14. She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests; however, __________.

(a) she hadn’t many sugar.
(b) there was not great amount of the sugar.
(c) she did not have much sugar.
(d) she was lacking in amount of the sugar.

15. There has not been a great response to the sale, __________?

(a) does there (b) hasn’t there (c) hasn’t it (d) has there
Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL (Structure 3)
1. C

2. D
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. D

1. Teridentifikasi terdapat sebuah kata kerja yaitu was sehingga diperlukan subjek untuk melengkapi pernyataan tersebut.
2. (A) bukan subjek, (B) bukan subjek, (C) subjek, (D) subjek
3. Sekarang tinggal 2 pilihan kemungkinan jawaban, sekarang tinggal dilihat yang lebih tepat.
4. Karena was merupakan kata kerja tunggal, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah (C) yang merupakan subjek tunggal.

Sesi 2
Sebagai latihan, silahkan jawab soal berikut:
1. Mark Twain _________ they years after the Civil War the “Gilded Age.”
(A) Called
(B) Calling
(C) He called
(D) His calls

2. Early _________ toes instead on hooves on their feet.
(A) Horses
(B) Had horses
(C) Horses had
(D) Horses having

3. _________ radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy.
(A) Marconi's development
(B) The development of Marconi
(C) Developing Marconi
(D) Marconi developed

Sekarang Anda akan belajar tentang salah satu ciri-ciri soal TOEFL bahwa jika suatu kata yang biasanya subjek namun terdapat kata depan (object of preposition) yang mengikutinya, maka kata tersebut bukan suatu subjek.

Contoh Soal TOEFL:
To Mike _______ was a big surprise.
(A). really
(B). the party
(C). funny
(D). when

1. Dapat dilihat bahwa sebelum kata Mike terdapat kata depan to, sehingga Mike bukan merupakan subjek.
2. Teridentifikasi terdapat sebuah kata kerja yaitu was sehingga diperlukan subjek untuk melengkapi pernyataan tersebut.
3. (A) bukan subjek, (B) subjek, (C) bukan subjek, (D) kata penghubung
4. Jawaban yang benar adalah (B)

Sebagai latihan, silahkan jawab soal berikut:
1. _________ grow close to the ground in the short Arctic Summer.
(A) Above tundra plants
(B) Tundra plants
(C) Tundra plants are found
(C) For tundra plants

2. Between 1725 and 1750, New England witnessed an increase in the specialization of _________ .
(A) Occupations
(B) Occupies
(C) They occupied
(C) It occupied them

3. The two biggest resort _________ Arkansas are Hot Springs and Eureka Springs.
(A) in
(B) towns in
(C) towns are
(D) towns are in

Dan terakhir Anda akan mempelajari tentang Present Participle. Present participle adalah kata kerja (verb) yang ditambah ing (verb + ing). Present participle berbeda dengan gerunds. Fungsi present participle dapat sebagai kata kerja (verb) dan juga dapat sebagai kata sifat (adjective).

- Merupakan bagian dari kata kerja bila terdapat bentuk be (is, am, are) di depan kata kerja.
Contoh: The train is arriving at the station now.
Dalam kalimat ini, kata arriving sebagai kata kerja karena diikuti bentuk be (is).

- Merupakan bagian dari kata sifat bila tidak terdapat bentuk be (is, am, are) di depan kata kerja.
Contoh: The train arriving at the station now is an hour late.
Dalam kalimat ini, kata arriving sebagai kata sifat karena kata kerja sudah ada pada kata is.

Contoh Soal TOEFL: 
The film _______ appearing at the local theater is my favorite.
(A). now
(B). is 
(C). it 
(D). was

1. Dapat dilihat bahwa kata The film merupakan subjek.
2. Dapat juga terlihat bahwa terdapat kata kerja yaitu kata is.
3. (A) kata pelengkap, (B) kata kerja, (C) subjek, (D) kata kerja
4. Jawaban yang benar adalah (A).

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